Design of Hydraulic Gates - Paulo Erbisti

Design of Hydraulic Gates

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Autor: Paulo Erbisti

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9780415659390
Format: ...
Oprawa: twarda
Stron: 442
Data wydania: 2014-05-01
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Revised and updated, this second edition of Design of Hydraulic Gates maintains the same goal as the original: to be used as a textbook and a manual of design of gates, presenting the main aspects of design, manufacture, installation and operation of hydraulic gates, while introducing new products, technologies and calculation procedures. This edition included new chapters on intake gates and trashrack design, highlighting the aspects of safety, operational and maintenance procedures. To improve the strength against structural failure of intake trashracks, the author proposes a series of rigid calculation assumptions, design parameters and manufacturing procedures, which will certainly result in safer trashracks. Some 340 drawings and photographs, 82 tables, 107 references and 23 worked examples help the reader to understand the basic concepts and calculation methods presented. Praise for the first edition: Nobody is better qualified than Professor Paulo Erbisti to have written this book "Design of Hydraulic Gates", because he has acquired a very broad personal experience during his career devoted to hydroelectric projects, not only with a scientific spirit, but also a practical approach. He knows very well all the phases of implementation of hydromechanical equipment, from feasibility studies through to erection and commissioning, as well as rehabilitation. This book is extremely welcome as an efficient synthesis of a broad subject, and engineers from the various disciplines, not only mechanical and electrical but also civil engineers, will recognize its value. The author has covered the subject of gates very comprehensively in his book, from history to new developments. He discusses not only the principle of gates and their associated equipment, the choice of type and calculation methods, but also he (as an excellent practical engineer, who knows that 'the devil hides in the details') describes their construction details. Each chapter is supported by a complete list of international references. The book will be very useful for experienced engineers (as well as students) for the conception, construction and operation of gates.The interest of this book is evident as a reference, and Professor Erbisti should be gratefully acknowledged for his important contribution to this technology. Raymond Lafitte, Professor at EPFL (Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne), President of the International Hydropower Association As one leafs through the book, one is pleasantly surprised by the many clear illustrations and photos (ca. 300), tables (ca. 70) and calculations (ca. 20). [...] On the one hand, the book - as a textbook - offers students a very clear introduction to the field and on the other hand, represents a handbook with lots of useful advice for engineers in the field of steel hydraulic engineering. Some 90 bibliographic references lead the reader to further background information, also in the realm of more theoretically oriented steel hydraulic engineering. Erbisti's book "Design of Hydraulic Gates" is all in all a very useful and recommended book. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmausser, Aalen, in Stahlbau 73 (2004), 644-646.

Książka "Design of Hydraulic Gates"
Paulo Erbisti