Biology and Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions -

Biology and Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions

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Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 9783642828515
Format: ...
Oprawa: miękka
Stron: 432
Data wydania: 2012-02-01
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Introductory Comments On Host-Parasite Interactions.- Biology of Plant-Fungus Interactions.- Fundamental Questions Related to Plant-Fungal Interactions: Can Recombinant DNA Technology Provide the Answers?.- Cellular Modifications during Host-Fungus Interactions in Endomycorrhizae.- Cellular Interactions between Phaseolus vulgaris and the Hemibiotrophic Fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.- Ultrastructural Localization of Carbohydrates. Recent Developments in Cytochemistry and Affinity Methods.- Attachment of a Mycoparasite with Host but not with Nonhost Mortierella Species.- Biology of Plant Bacterial Interactions.- The Biology of Interactions between Plants and Bacteria.- Surface Interactions between Rhizobium and Infected Pea Root Nodule Cells, as Revealed by using Monoclonal Antibodies.- Mechanisms of Resistance.- Biochemical Mechanisms Involved in Resistance of Plants to Fungi.- Cell Wall Modifications Associated with the Resistance of Cereals to Fungal Pathogens.- Mechanism of Resistance of Wheat against Stem Rust in the Sr5/P5 Interaction.- Elicitation of Resistance.- Elicitation of Active Resistance Mechanisms.- Evidence for both Induced Susceptibility and Induced Resistance in the Cladosporium fulvum - Tomato Interaction.- Do Galacturonic Acid Oligosaccharides have a Role in the Resistance Mechanism of Cucumber towards Cladosporium cucumerinum?.- Carbohydrate and Lipid-Containing Elicitors from Phytophthora infestans. Do they have a Common Mechanism of Action?.- Differential Elicitation Activities of Fractions from Phytophthora spp. on Several Host-Plants.- Regulation of Steroid Glycoalkaloid and Sesquiterpenoid Stress Metabolite Accumulation in Potato Tubers by Inhibitors of Steroid Synthesis and Phytohormones in Combination with Arachidonic Acid.- Elicitation and Suppression of Necrosis in Potato Leaves by Culture Filtrate Components of Phytophthora infestans.- Molecular Biology of Plant Responses.- Organization, Structure and Activation of Plant Defence Genes.- Molecular Targets for Elicitor Modulation in Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Cells.- Accumulation of Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoprotein mRNAs in Biologically Stressed Cell Cultures and Hypocotyls.- Biochemical Study of Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoproteins in Plant-Pathogen Interactions.- Biochemical Responses of Non-Host Plant Cells to Fungi and Fungal Elicitors.- Pea Genes Associated with the Non-Host Resistance to Fusarium solani are also Induced by Chitosan and in Race-Specific by Pseudomonas syringae.- Race Variable Macromolecules Identified in Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici; Correlations with Avirulence/Virulence to Host Genes for Resistance.- Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogenesis.- The Molecular Biology of Pectic Enzyme Production and Bacterial Soft Rot Pathogenesis.- Molecular Genetics of Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris.- Genetic Control of Hypersensitivity and Pathogenicity in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola.- Regulation of Bacterial Genes Involved in Bacterium-Plant Interactions by Plant Signal Molecules.- Indoleacetic Acid and Cytokinins in the Olive Knot Disease. An Overview of their Role and their Genetic Determinants.- Molecular Biology of Fungal Pathogenesis.- Gene Expression during Infection Structure Development by Germlings of the Rust Fungi.- Isolation of Stage- And Cell-Specific Genes from Fungi.- An Antibiotic Resistance Marker for Fungal Transformation.- Analysis of Transcription - Control Signals in Aspergillus.- Technology for Molecular Cloning of Fungal Virulence Genes.- Molecular Evolution of Fungal Polygalacturonase.- The D2-Factor in Ophiostoma ulmi: Expression and Latency.- The Effects of Passaging on the Host Specificity of Septoria nodorum: A Cautionary Tale.- Participants.

Książka "Biology and Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions"