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Chuligaństwo stadionowe. Studium kryminologiczne

Chuligaństwo stadionowe. Studium kryminologiczne

Publikacja niniejsza jest poświęcona problematyce chuligaństwa stadionowego. Autor stara się w niej odpowiedzieć na podstawowe pytania dotyczące fenomenu przemocy związanej z meczami piłkarskimi. Praca została oparta o obszerne badania empiryczne, podczas których wykorzystano większość dostępnych metod i technik badawczych - badania aktowe, wywiady...
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Domestic Abuse, Homicide and Gender

Domestic Abuse, Homicide and Gender

A huge amount of energy and resources have been dedicated to domestic violence, yet the statistics on fatalities suggest that little has been achieved in terms of change. Based on research with frontline professionals and domestic abuse and homicide victims, this book seeks to tackle this problem head on, aligning the often opposing perspectives of...
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Perpetrators and Accessories in International Criminal Law

Perpetrators and Accessories in International Criminal Law

International criminal law lacks a coherent account of individual responsibility. This failure is due to the inability of international tribunals to capture the distinctive nature of individual responsibility for crimes that are collective by their very nature. Specifically, they have misunderstood the nature of the collective action or framework...
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The Emergence of EU Criminal Law

The Emergence of EU Criminal Law

Criminal law can no longer be neatly categorised as the product and responsibility of domestic law. That this is true is emphasised by the ever-increasing amount of legislation stemming from the European Union (EU) which impacts, both directly and indirectly, on the criminal law. The involvement of the EU institutions in the substantive criminal...
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Mental Illness and Crime

Mental Illness and Crime

This is a comprehensive summary and critical examination of the relationship of mental illness in general, and individual psychiatric disorders in particular with criminal, violent, and other forms of antisocial behaviour. The text critically examines what is known about the treatment and social implications of this body of research, including its...
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Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2014-15

Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2014-15

The Palgrave Core Statutes series is designed to meet the needs of today's law students. Compiled by experienced lecturers, each title contains the essential materials needed at LLB level (and, where applicable, on GDL/CPE courses) and is easy to use under exam conditions and in the lecture hall. This new edition of core statutes on criminal law...
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