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Governmental Systems of Central and Eastern European States

Governmental Systems of Central and Eastern European States


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer Polska
ISBN: 9788326402098
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Transition from totalitarian regimes to democracy has substantially changed the governmental systems in the countries of the Central and Eastern European region. The introduction and operation of new constitutional concepts, principles and rules that govern interaction between state organs imposed considerable task and learning process for these...
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Erfindungen Aus Den Dachl-landern - Wynalazki Z Krajów Niemieckojęzycznych

Erfindungen Aus Den Dachl-landern - Wynalazki Z Krajów Niemieckojęzycznych


Autor: Halina Wachowska

Wydawnictwo: PWN;Szkolne PWN
ISBN: 9788326206573
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Opis wynalazków z krajów niemieckojęzycznych to bogate uzupełnienie materiałów dostępnych w podręcznikach do nauki języka niemieckiego. Książka prezentuje ciekawe teksty wzbogacone o zdjęcia wynalazców i ich odkryć. Teksty dotyczą różnych regionów Niemiec, Austrii, Szwajcarii i Lichtensteinu. Opracowane do nich zadania sprawdzają w głównej mierze...
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(Mis) Reading America

(Mis) Reading America


Autor: Jerzy Durczak; Paweł Frelik

Wydawnictwo: UNIVERSITAS
ISBN: 9788324213726
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Since the initial arrival of Spanish, French and English explorers, North America has stirred controversies, discussions and conflicting interpretations. A source of fascination for explorers, settlers and those in the Old World, the continent has, not surprisingly, generated many myths, fictions and stereotypes. The United States of America, the...
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The Scarlet Raider

The Scarlet Raider

A hundred years ago, the agony of the Civil War tore American apart, and caught in the turmoil were thousands of youngsters, too young to die but old enough to face death willingly every day. Tim Morgan was one of these boys. In Fairfax Country, Virginia, he played his part, smuggling much-needed supplies through the Yankee lines to the North. But...
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The Story of Architecture. From antiquity to the presents

The Story of Architecture. From antiquity to the presents


Autor: Jan Gympel

Wydawnictwo: Konemann
ISBN: 3833116366
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
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Architecture in Ancient Egypt, Classical Greece and Helenism, The architecture of the Roman Empire, Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, from Muhammed to the fall of Granada, the great Ottoman era, the Gotic style in Germany, Florence and the Early Renaissance, Palaces and Gardens in France......
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Joe Panther

Joe Panther

Florida – the holiday paradise of America, where the sun always shines and skyscrapers push their way into the clear blue sky. Life is easy beside the sea anad surf of Miami, but only a few miles away is a different world, where the clock turns back centuries – the Everglades. In these dark swamps, where alligators slither into the water, live the...
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