EBOOK Village Rector - Honore Balzac

EBOOK Village Rector

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Autor: Honore Balzac

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819935537
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 403
Data wydania: 2010
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pubOne.info present you this new edition. In the lower town of Limoges, at the corner of the rue de la Vieille-Poste and the rue de la Cite might have been seen, a generation ago, one of those shops which were scarcely changed from the period of the middle-ages. Large tiles seamed with a thousand cracks lay on the soil itself, which was damp in places, and would have tripped up those who failed to observe the hollows and ridges of this singular flooring. The dusty walls exhibited a curious mosaic of wood and brick, stones and iron, welded together with a solidity due to time, possibly to chance. For more than a hundred years the ceiling, formed of colossal beams, bent beneath the weight of the upper stories, though it had never given way under them. Built en colombage, that is to say, with a wooden frontage, the whole facade was covered with slates, so put on as to form geometrical figures, - thus preserving a naive image of the burgher habitations of the olden time.

Książka "EBOOK Village Rector"
Honore Balzac