EBOOK Mother Goose in Prose - Lyman Frank Baum

EBOOK Mother Goose in Prose

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Autor: Lyman Frank Baum

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819918387
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 180
Data wydania: 2010
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pubOne.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. None of us, whether children or adults, needs an introduction to Mother Goose. Those things which are earliest impressed upon our minds cling to them most tenaciously The snatches sung in the nursery are never forgotten, nor are they ever recalled without bringing back with them myriads of slumbering feelings and half-forgotten images.

Książka "EBOOK Mother Goose in Prose"
Lyman Frank Baum