EBOOK Generative Trance - Stephen Gilligan

EBOOK Generative Trance

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Autor: Stephen Gilligan

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845907839
EAN: 2449F796EB
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 260
Data wydania: 2012
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The experience of Creative Flow
This book describes an entirely new way of conducting hypnotherapeutic interventions - Stephen Gilligans generative trance. The first generation of trance work, the traditional hypnosis that still holds sway in most places, considers that both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind of the client are, to put it bluntly, idiots. So trance work involves first knocking out the conscious mind and then talking to the unconscious mind like a 2-year old that needs to be told how to behave. Milton Erickson created the second generation of trance work. He approached the unconscious as having creative wisdom and each person as extraordinarily unique. Thus, rather than trying to programme the unconscious with new instructions, Erickson saw trance as an experiential learning state where a persons own creative unconscious could generate healing and transformation. At the same time Erickson, for the most part, carried the same low opinion of the conscious mind. Thus, Ericksonian hypnosis looks to bypass the conscious mind with indirect suggestions and dissociation and depotentiate it with confusion techniques.

Książka "EBOOK Generative Trance"
Stephen Gilligan