EBOOK Gap Year Adventures - Lucy York

EBOOK Gap Year Adventures

4.00 Oceń książkę!

Autor: Lucy York

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840249617
EAN: 0E280858EB
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 128
Data wydania: 2006
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A Guide to Making it a Year to Remember
Your gap year stretches ahead of you, begging to be filled with sun-drenched beaches, treks through exotic landscapes and thrilling exploits. How can you plan the adventures to make the most of your time out? This essential guide is crammed with exciting ideas from around the world, from abseiling to zorbing, diving with sharks to learning yoga from the masters. Discover how to make your gap year truly unforgettable.

Książka "EBOOK Gap Year Adventures"
Lucy York