EBOOK Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates' Techniques of Physical Conditioning - Allan Menezes

EBOOK Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates' Techniques of Physical Conditioning

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Autor: Allan Menezes

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9780897935616
EAN: 0D135921EB
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: ...
Data wydania: 2004
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With Special Help for Back Pain and Sports Training
This second edition of the best-selling THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO JOSEPH H. PILATES' TECHNIQUES OF PHYSICAL CONDITIONING, offers strength-building and flexibility exercises for anyone who wants to get in shape. The exercises also are perfect to complement the training program of anyone who plays sports, as well as those who want relief for back or knee problems.The book contains:** A thorough introduction to the history and philosophy of Joseph Pilates' unique techniques** 88 Pilates exercises in basic, intermediate and advanced routines** Over 240 photos and illustrations** A chapter addressing pain relief** A routine for relieving lower back pain and strengthening weak abdominals** Worksheets for monitoring progressThe second edition contains the following new material:** The Stamina Stretch -- to increase breathing capacity and support core abdominals** The B-Line Core -- to give support for routines, a trimmer waist, plus relief from back pain** How to change the way you walk to prevent back pain and tension headaches** New back strengthening routines for rotational sports like golf, tennis, racquetball** New upper body exercises for computer users

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Allan Menezes