EBOOK Bondage House - Anders Linn

EBOOK Bondage House

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Autor: Anders Linn

Wydawnictwo: WH Publishing
ISBN: 9781780511245
EAN: 5E06E606EB
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 92
Data wydania: 2011
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Alice signs up for a 'reality TV' show with a difference: the rules are 'tie or be tied' and the reward, for the last person remaining in the house, is two million pounds. With a bribe like that, Alice is more than prepared to play bondage games and strip naked in front of all-seeing cameras! Each contestant in the Bondage House talks to the camera, revealing their past history, their love or need for bondage, for domination and power games, showing their darker sides in the hope of attracting the viewers' sympathy and hoping not to be voted out. But the games are dark indeed: the bondage is extremely stringent, the punishments severe and the body count rises until the final revelation - the moment when Alice does indeed make the two million - by being sold ... and when she realises who has bought her, she knows her life is about to become a living hell!

Książka "EBOOK Bondage House"
Anders Linn