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Moving People

Moving People


Autor: Peter Cox

Wydawnictwo: Zed Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781848130036
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The local and global environmental impacts of transport are more apparent than ever before. This book provides an attention-grabbing introduction to sustainable transport development in practice via a series of case studies. Re-assessing the value and importance of non-motorized transport raises questions about the whole nature of development as a...
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The Global Minotaur

The Global Minotaur

In this remarkable and provocative book, Yanis Varoufakis explodes the myth that financialisation, ineffectual regulation of banks, greed and globalisation were the root causes of the global economic crisis. Rather, they are symptoms of a much deeper malaise which can be traced all the way back to the Great Crash of 1929, then on through to the...
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Reclaiming the F Word

Reclaiming the F Word

Feminism is so last century. Surely in today's world the idea is irrelevant and unfashionable? Wrong. Since the turn of the millennium a revitalised feminist movement has emerged to challenge these assumptions. Based on a survey of over a thousands feminists, 'Reclaiming the F Word' reveals the what, why and how of today's feminism, from cosmetic...
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