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Antieigenvalue Analysis

Antieigenvalue Analysis

Karl Gustafson is the creator of the theory of antieigenvalue analysis. Its applications spread through fields as diverse as numerical analysis, wavelets, statistics, quantum mechanics, and finance. Antieigenvalue analysis, with its operator trigonometry, is a unifying language which enables new and deeper geometrical understanding of essentially...
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Problems in Probability

Problems in Probability

This is a book of problems in probability and their solutions. The work has been written for undergraduate students who have a background in calculus and wish to study probability. Probability theory is a key part of contemporary mathematics. The subject plays a key role in the insurance industry, modelling financial markets, and statistics in...
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Thermal Energy at the Nanoscale

Thermal Energy at the Nanoscale

These lecture notes provide a detailed treatment of the thermal energy storage and transport by conduction in natural and fabricated structures. Thermal energy in two carriers, i.e. phonons and electrons - are explored from first principles. For solid-state transport, a common Landauer framework is used for heat flow. Issues including the quantum...
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Principles of Artificial Neural Networks

Principles of Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks are most suitable for solving problems that are complex, ill-defined, highly nonlinear, of many and different variables, and/or stochastic. Such problems are abundant in medicine, in finance, in security and beyond. This volume covers the basic theory and architecture of the major artificial neural networks. Uniquely, it...
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Photon Creation - Annihilation

Photon Creation - Annihilation

This book provides a classical physics-based explanation of quantum physics, including a full description of photon creation and annihilation, and successful working models of both photons and electrons. Classical field theory, known to fully describe macroscopic scale events, is shown to fully describe atomic scale events, including photon...
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Spectral Theory of Large Dimensional Random Matrices and its Applications to Wireless Communications

Spectral Theory of Large Dimensional Random Matrices and its Applications to Wireless Communications

The book contains three parts: Spectral theory of large dimensional random matrices; Applications to wireless communications; and Applications to finance. In the first part, we introduce some basic theorems of spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices that are obtained under finite moment conditions, such as the limiting spectral...
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