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Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper


Autor: Lynch Terry

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840220773
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Horrific, horrendous, unspeakable, The Whitechapel Murderer, Jack the Ripper, stalked the streets of East London in 1888, slaughtering prostitutes and bewildering the police who were hunting him. They never succeeded in apprehending him, and to this day the mystery of his identity remains an enigma. But he did leave clues to his identity, and...
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The Crystal Egg & Other Stories

The Crystal Egg & Other Stories


Autor: Wells H.G.

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840227390
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From "The Crystal Egg": There was, until a year ago, a little and very grimy-looking shop near Seven Dials over which, in weather-worn yellow lettering, the name of "C. Cave, Naturalist and Dealer in Antiquities," was inscribed. The contents of its window were curiously variegated. They comprised some elephant tusks and an imperfect set of...
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The Aeneid

The Aeneid


Autor: Virgil

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781853262630
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Aeneid is Virgil's Masterpiece. His epic poem recounts the story of Rome's legendary origins from the ashes of Troy and proclaims her destiny of world dominion. This optimistic vision is accompanied by an undertow of sadness at the price that must be paid in human suffering to secure Rome's future greatness. The tension between the public voice...
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Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840227642
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Johann Rudolf Wyss' tale of a family's adventures on an isolated desert island is a great children's favourite. The plot is a simple one but has many surprises and excitements along the way, which is part of the book's enduring charm. The Robinson family, consisting of William and Elizabeth and their four children, Fritz, Ernest, Jack and Francis,...
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Little Prince

Little Prince


Autor: De Saint-Exupery Antoine

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840227604
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Little Prince is a modern fable, and for readers far and wide both the title and the work have exerted a pull far in excess of the book's brevity. Written and published first by Antoine de St-Exupéry in 1943, only a year before his plane disappeared on a reconnaissance flight, it is one of the world's most widely translated books, enjoyed by...
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Life s Little Ironies

Life s Little Ironies


Autor: Hardy Thomas

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781853261787
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The phrase `life's little ironies' is now proverbial, but it was coined by Hardy as the title for this, his third volume of short stories. While the tales and sketches reflect many of the strengths and themes of the great novels, they are powerful works in their own right. Unified by his quintessential irony, strong visual sense, and engaging...
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