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And the Weak Suffer What They Must?

And the Weak Suffer What They Must?


Autor: Varoufakis Yanis

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9781847924049
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The crisis in Europe is not over, it's getting worse. In this dramatic narrative of Europe's economic rise and spectacular fall, Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, 'the emerging rock star of Europe's anti-austerity uprising' (Telegraph), shows that the origins of the collapse go far deeper than our leaders are prepared to admit -...
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Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock


Autor: Ackroyd Peter

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099287667
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Alfred Hitchcock was a strange child. Fat, lonely, burning with fear and ambition, his childhood was an isolated one, scented with fish from his father's shop. Afraid to leave his bedroom, he would plan great voyages, using railway timetables to plot an exact imaginary route across Europe. So how did this fearful figure become the one of the most...
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Satin Island

Satin Island


Autor: McCarthy Tom

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099546993
Kategoria: Pozostałe
'Smart, shimmering and thought-provoking... McCarthy is a born novelist, a pretty fantastic one, who has figured out a way to make cultural theory funny, scary and suspenseful - in other words, compulsively readable'New York Times...
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Black Earth

Black Earth


Autor: Snyder Timothy

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9781784701482
Kategoria: Pozostałe
We have come to see the Holocaust as a factory of death, organised by bureaucrats. Yet by the time the gas chambers became operation more than a million European Jews were already dead: shot at close range over pits and ravines. They had been murdered in the lawless killing zones created by the German colonial war in the East, many on the fertile...
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Treasure Island

Treasure Island


Autor: Stevenson Robert Louis

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9781853261039
Kategoria: Pozostałe
'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!' Treasure Island is a tale of pirates and villains, maps, treasure and shipwreck, and is perhaps the best adventure story ever written.When young Jim Hawkins finds a packet in Captain Flint's sea chest, he could not know that the map inside it would lead him to unimaginable...
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The Heart Of A Dog

The Heart Of A Dog


Autor: Bulgakov Mikhail

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99848904034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A rich, successful Moscow professor befriends a stray dog and attempts a scientific first by transplanting into it the testicles and pituitary gland of a recently deceased man. A distinctly worryingly human animal is now on the loose, and the professor's hitherto respectable life becomes a nightmare beyond endurance. An absurd and superbly comic...
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