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Autor: Huxley Aldous

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99865604034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
For over a hundred years the Pacific island of Pala has been the scene of a unique experiment in civilisation. Its inhabitants live in a society where western science has been brought together with Eastern philosophy to create a paradise on earth. When cynical journalist, Will Farnaby, arrives to research potential oil reserves on Pala, he quickly...
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If On A Winterss Night A Traveller

If On A Winterss Night A Traveller


Autor: Calvino Italo

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99865404034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
You go into a bookshop and buy If on a Winter's Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino. You like it. But alas there is a printer's error in your copy. You take it back to the shop and get a replacement. But the replacement seems to be a totally different story. You try to track down the original book you were reading but end up with a different...
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Slapstick or Lonesome No More

Slapstick or Lonesome No More


Autor: Vonnegut Kurt

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99865204034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Manhattan has become the Island of Death.The former President of the United States stands barefoot in a purple toga around a cooking fire in the lobby of the Empire State Building.He is Dr Wilbur Daffodil-II Swain and Slapstick or Lonesome No More! is his story - one of monstrous twins, orgies, revenge, golf, utopian schemes, and very little tooth...
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The Quiet American

The Quiet American


Autor: Greene Graham

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99864804034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Into the intrigue and violence of 1950s Indo-China comes CIA agent Alden Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a mysterious 'Third Force'. As his naive optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his friend Fowler, a cynical foreign correspondent, finds it hard to stand aside and watch.But even as he intervenes he wonders why:...
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Thirst For Love

Thirst For Love


Autor: Mishima Yukio

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99864504034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
After the early death of her philandering husband, Etsuko moves into her father-in-law's house, where she numbly submits to the old man's advances. But soon she finds herself in love with the young servant Saburo. Tormented by his indifference, yet invigorated by her desire, she makes her move, with catastrophic consequences....
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Cider With Rosie

Cider With Rosie


Autor: Lee Laurie

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 99864304034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The classic evocative tale of an idyllic childhood in the English countrysideCider with Rosie is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is...
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