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Autor: Fowles John

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099478355
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On a remote Greek Island, Nicholas Urfe finds himself embroiled in the deceptions of a master trickster. As reality and illusion intertwine, Urfe is caught up in the darkest of psychological games. John Fowles expertly unfolds a tale that is lush with over-powering imagery in a spellbinding exploration of human complexities. By turns disturbing,...
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I Served the King of England

I Served the King of England


Autor: Hrabal Bohumil

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099540939
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In a comic masterpiece following the misadventures of a simple but hugely ambitious waiter in pre-World War II Prague, who rises to wealth only to lose everything with the onset of Communism, Bohumil Hrabal takes us on a tremendously funny and satirical trip through 20th-centuryCzechoslovakia....
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Green Hills of Africa

Green Hills of Africa


Autor: Hemingway Ernest

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099460954
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things, and because it takes a man's life to know them the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave."-- ERNEST HEMINGWAYIn the winter of...
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Death in the Afternoon

Death in the Afternoon


Autor: Hemingway Ernest

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099285021
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Still considered one of the best books ever written about bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon is an impassioned look at the sport by one of its true aficionados. It reflects Hemingway's conviction that bullfighting was more than mere sport and reveals a rich source of inspiration for his art. The unrivaled drama of bullfighting, with its rigorous...
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Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Captain Corelli's Mandolin


Autor: Bernieres Louis

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9781784870010
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Louis de Bernieres is the best-selling author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin. His most recent novels are Birds Without Wings and A Partisan's Daughter....
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Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of Champions


Autor: Vonnegut Kurt

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780099842606
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In a frolic of cartoon and comic outbursts against rule and reason, a miraculous weaving of science fiction, memoir, parable, fairy tale and farce, Kurt Vonnegut attacks the whole spectrum of American society, releasing some of his best-loved literary creations on the scene....
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