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Autor: Duckworth Angela

Wydawnictwo: Vermilion
ISBN: 9781785040191
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this must-read book for anyone striving to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows parents, students, educators, athletes, and business people—both seasoned and new—that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit."Drawing on her own powerful story as the...
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Genius Gluten-Free Cookbook

Genius Gluten-Free Cookbook


Autor: Bruce-Gardyne Lucinda

Wydawnictwo: Vermilion
ISBN: 9781785040702
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Life is too short for gluten-free food to be dull. So, the founder of no.1 free-from brand, Genius gluten-free, Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne, shows us lots of tasty ways to keep it interesting.On the menu are: Tasty tarts and pies, soups and salads, and pasta and pizzas; breakfast treats like American Pancakes and French Toast; nutritious family...
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10 Keys to Success

10 Keys to Success


Autor: Bird John

Wydawnictwo: Vermilion
ISBN: 9780091923822
Kategoria: Pozostałe
No one is born deserving anything - you only deserve what you achieve by yourself. Drawing from this, John's philosophy is based on the idea that success is about deciding what you want, working out what is important to you and then going out to grab it. The beauty of this approach is that we can all achieve whatever we want; we just need to go...
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For too long our lives have been dominated by the 'under one roof' Industrial Revolution model of work. That era is now over. There is no longer a reason for the daily roll call, of the need to be seen with your butt on your seat in the office. The technology to work remotely and to avoid the daily grind of commuting and meetings has finally come...
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You Code

You Code


Autor: Judi James; J. James

Wydawnictwo: Vermilion
ISBN: 9780091929541
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
Did you know that the way you eat your food will be sending subliminal messages out about your sexual habits? Or that the way you decorate your desk, could be helping your boss decide about that promotion or pay rise? We're all aware of the subtle messages of design and marketing but what about the signals you send out about yourself and your...
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Mars and Venus in the Bedroom

Mars and Venus in the Bedroom


Autor: John Gray

Wydawnictwo: Vermilion
ISBN: 9780091887667
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
"Mars and Venus in the Bedroom" offers practical, heartfelt and wise advice to help you to transform your love life and enjoy a sexually and emotionally fulfilling relationship. This new edition of John Gray's bestselling book explains how to keep passion alive in a long-term relationship and reveals what men and women really want from each other....
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