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TNM Klassifikation Maligner Tumoren

TNM Klassifikation Maligner Tumoren


Autor: Christian Wittekind

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527327591
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Die TNM-Klassifikation ist das weltweit am meisten verwendete System für die Beschreibung der Ausbreitung einer Tumorerkrankung. Die 7. Auflage dokumentiert die aktualisierten Standards und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der International Union Against Cancer (UICC) herausgegeben. Dieses handliche Taschenbuch enthält wichtige neue Organ-spezifische...
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Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows

Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows


Autor: Heinz Georg Schuster

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527410118
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This book provides readers from academia and industry with an up-to-date overview of important advances in the field, dealing with such fundamental fluid mechanics problems as nonlinear transport phenomena and optimal control of mixing at the micro- and nanoscale. The editors provide both in-depth knowledge of the topic as well as vast experience...
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The Physics for Radiation Protection

The Physics for Radiation Protection


Autor: James Martin

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527411764
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
A practical guide to the basic physics that radiation protection professionals need A much-needed working resource for health physicists and other radiation protection professionals, this volume presents clear, thorough, up-to-date explanations of the basic physics necessary to address real-world problems in radiation protection. Designed for...
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Advanced Calculations for Defects in Materials

Advanced Calculations for Defects in Materials


Autor: Audrius Alkauskas

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527410248
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This book investigates the possible ways of improvement by applying more sophisticated electronic structure methods as well as corrections and alternatives to the supercell model. In particular, the merits of hybrid and screened functionals, as well as of the +U methods are assessed in comparison to various perturbative and Quantum Monte Carlo many...
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Supported Ionic Liquids

Supported Ionic Liquids


Autor: Rasmus Fehrmann

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527324293
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This unique book gives a timely overview about the fundamentals and applications of supported ionic liquids in modern organic synthesis. It introduces the concept and synthesis of SILP materials and presents important applications in the field of catalysis (e.g. hydroformylation, hydrogenation, coupling reactions, fine chemical synthesis) as well...
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Organic Thin Film Transistor Integration

Organic Thin Film Transistor Integration


Autor: Beng S. Ong

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527409594
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
R esearch on organic electronics (or plastic electronics) is driven by the need to create low-cost electronic devices that are lightweight, mechanically robust and structurally flexible. With the remarkable improvement in the performance of organic electronic materials during the past decade, organic electronics now appeal to innovative, practical,...
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