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EBOOK Elusive Unity

EBOOK Elusive Unity

Factionalism and the Limits of Identity Politics in Yucatan, MexicoIn Elusive Unity, Armstrong-Fumero examines early twentieth-century peasant politics and twenty-first-century indigenous politics in the rural Oriente region of Yucatn.The rural inhabitants of this region have had some of their most important dealings with their nations government...
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EBOOK Space-Time Perspectives on Early Colonial Moquegua

EBOOK Space-Time Perspectives on Early Colonial Moquegua


Autor: Prudence M. Rice

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781492015963
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this rich study of the construction and reconstruction of a colonized landscape, Prudence M. Rice takes an implicit political ecology approach in exploring encounters of colonization in Moquegua, a small valley of southern Peru. Building on theories of spatiality, spatialization, and place, she examines how politically mediated human interaction...
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EBOOK Texcoco

EBOOK Texcoco


Autor: Jongsoo Lee

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781492013297
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Prehispanic and Colonial PerspectivesTexcoco: Prehispanic and Colonial Perspectives presents an in-depth, highly nuanced historical understanding of this major indigenous Mesoamerican city from the conquest through the present. The book argues for the need to revise conclusions of past scholarship on familiar topics, deals with current debates that...
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EBOOK Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context

EBOOK Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context


Autor: Gyles Iannone

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781492013235
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Case Studies in Resilience and VulnerabilityIn The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context, contributors reject the popularized link between societal collapse and drought in Maya civilization, arguing that a series of periodic collapses, including the infamous Terminal Classic collapse (AD 7501050), were not caused solely by climate changerelated...
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EBOOK Gospel of Progressivism

EBOOK Gospel of Progressivism


Autor: R. Todd Laugen

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781457109638
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Chronicling the negotiations of Progressive groups and the obstacles that constrained them, The Gospel of Progressivism details the fight against corporate and political corruption in Colorado during the early twentieth century. While the various groups differed in their specific agendas, Protestant reformers, labor organizers, activist women, and...
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EBOOK House on Lemon Street

EBOOK House on Lemon Street


Autor: Mark Rawitsch

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781457117350
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Japanese Pioneers and The American DreamIn 1915, Jukichi and Ken Harada purchased a house on Lemon Street in Riverside, California. Close to their restaurant, church, and childrens school, the house should have been a safe and healthy family home. Before the purchase, white neighbors objected because of the Haradas Japanese ancestry, and the...
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