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Ordinary Heroes

Ordinary Heroes

Starred Review. When retired newspaperman Stewart Dubinsky (last seen in 1987's Presumed Innocent) discovers letters his deceased father wrote during his tour of duty in WWII, a host of family secrets come to light. In Turow's ambitious, fascinating page-turner, a "ferocious curiosity" compels the divorced Dubinsky to study his "remote,...
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Nature Girl

Nature Girl

Honey Santana - self-proclaimed queen of lost causes - has a Plan. She's working on a scheme to help rid the world of irresponsibility, indifference and dinner-time telemarketers. She's also taking part-time telephonist Boyd Shreve and his less-than-enthusiastic mistress to Dismal Key - one of the Everglades' Ten Thousand Islands - for a gentle...
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Charm School

Charm School

Deep in the heart of Russia, a group of casually dressed young men are learning a different kind of lesson. The undergraduates sprawled around a game board aren't chilling out on campus: the young KGB agents attending the Charm School are brushing up on their American. When a young tourist goes to the aid of a stranger on a dark Russian road, he is...
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Windmills of the Gods

Windmills of the Gods

The latest novel by the veteran author ( If Tomorrow Comes, etc.) is a fast-paced thriller. Upon taking office, idealistic President Paul Ellison inaugurates the "people-to-people" program, intended to establish America's ties with Iron Curtain countries. Instead of naming an experienced diplomat as ambassador to Romania, Ellison selects wholesome...
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Personal Injuries

Personal Injuries

This novel has the ring of authenticity. It blends widespread graft, a spidery villain insulated at the heart of a complex web, suffering, murder, suicide and also a measure of humor into a narrative that proceeds with the inevitability--and the surprises--of real life......
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From the author of "Derailed" comes the adrenaline-charged story of one man who is forced to transport cocaine from Colombia to a location within the U.S. within 18 hours, or his wife and newly adopted daughter will be killed. The decision seems obvious--yet the outcome will be anything but....
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