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Comics Art

Comics Art


Autor: Paul Gravett

Wydawnictwo: Tate Gallery Publications
ISBN: 9781849760560
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The phenomenal growth of graphic novels and manga and the explosion of comics on the internet and other platforms have given their creators unprecedented freedom to innovate. Many can enjoy widespread acclaim in the art world, literary circles and through their multimedia adaptations. Comics Art takes an international approach by tracing lines of...
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Ben Nicholson

Ben Nicholson

Ben Nicholson (1894-1982) was considered to be one of the greatest British artists of the twentieth century, first coming to international prominence with his famous 'white reliefs' of the 1930s. A pioneer of abstract art in Britain, he played a significant role in the European avant-garde, forming close links with Picasso, Braque, Arp, Mondrian...
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Moving Targets

Moving Targets


Autor: L. Buck

Wydawnictwo: Tate Gallery Publications
ISBN: 9781854373168
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Building on her bestselling "Moving Targets" (1997), Louisa Buck presents "Moving Targets 2" - a fully updated and greatly expanded survey of the key players, places and presences that are shaping British art at the beginning of the 21st century. ...
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Real Thing

Real Thing


Autor: Simon Groom

Wydawnictwo: Tate Gallery Publications
ISBN: 9781854377135
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
For many in the West, Chinese contemporary art is still synonymous with the political realist painters of the 1980s and 90s, who recycled the styles of communist social Realism with pop cynicism. In China itself, the speed of change in technology, architecture, industry and lifestyle has been matched by extraordinary developments in the arts. The...
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