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EBOOK Commandant of Lubizec

EBOOK Commandant of Lubizec


Autor: Patrick Hicks

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586422219
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Novel of The Holocaust and Operation ReinhardAfter the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, they quickly began persecuting anyone who was Jewish. Millions were shoved into ghettos and forced to live under the swastika. Death camps were built and something called "e;Operation Reinhard"e; was set into motion. Its goal? To murder all the Jews of...
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EBOOK Spinning Heart

EBOOK Spinning Heart


Autor: Donal Ryan

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586422257
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelIn the aftermath of Ireland's financial collapse, dangerous tensions surface in an Irish town. As violence flares, the characters face a battle between public persona and inner desires. Through a chorus of unique voices, each struggling to tell their own kind of truth, a single authentic tale unfolds.The Spinning Heart speaks for...
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EBOOK Thing About December

EBOOK Thing About December


Autor: Donal Ryan

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586422295
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelWhile the Celtic Tiger rages, and greed becomes the norm, Johnsey Cunliffe desperately tries to hold on to the familiar, even as he loses those who all his life have protected him from a harsh world. Following the deaths first of his father and then his mother, Johnsey inherits the family farm, and a healthy bank account, both of which he...
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EBOOK Shadow Man

EBOOK Shadow Man


Autor: Jeffrey Fleishman

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586421991
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelForeign correspondent James Ryan was there whenever the world changed: in the Middle East, in the Balkans, in the former Soviet bloc. But now he can't remember these events; he can't recall anything long-term, except the summer of his fifteenth year following his mother's death. It was the summer his father told him to call...
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EBOOK Apostle Paul

EBOOK Apostle Paul


Autor: James Cannon

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586422226
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelThe iconic Saint Paul in his lifetime a scholar, prosecutor for the high court of the Jews, accomplice in murder, adventurer, traveler, orator, writer, advocate, and organizer of a new faith was in fact a Jewish-Hellenistic citizen of the Roman Empire, a man who by the force of his intellect and indomitable will changed the course...
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EBOOK All That I Have

EBOOK All That I Have


Autor: Jr. Castle Freeman

Wydawnictwo: Steerforth Press
ISBN: 9781586421649
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelIn this gripping, wise, and darkly funny tale of suspense, Sheriff Lucian Wing confronts a series of trials that test his work, his marriage, and the settled order of his life.Wing is an experienced, practical man who enforces the law in his corner of Vermont with a steady hand and a generous tolerance. Things are not as they should be,...
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