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EBOOK Ghost Stories

EBOOK Ghost Stories


Autor: Charles Dickens

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909438071
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Frighteningly believable, spine-tingling stories of prophetic dreams and visions, as well as more fantastical adventures with goblins and apparitions. These short works display the imagination of a master storyteller given free rein....
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EBOOK Villette

EBOOK Villette


Autor: Charlotte Bronte

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909438798
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Lucy Snowe travels to the fictional city of Villette to teach at an all-girls school where she is unwillingly pulled into both adventure and romance....
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EBOOK Christmas Stories

EBOOK Christmas Stories


Autor: Charles Dickens

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909438057
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A selection of Christmas stories by Charles Dickens, the most widely read English novelist. The stories featured in this collection were written in early Victorian era Britain when it was experiencing a nostalgic interest in its forgotten Christmas traditions, and at the time when new customs such as the Christmas tree and greeting cards were being...
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EBOOK Northanger Abbey

EBOOK Northanger Abbey


Autor: Jame Austen

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909175372
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Catherine Morland, aged seventeen, is addicted to reading Gothic novels. She joins her wealthier neighbours on a trip to Bath to partake in the winter season of balls, and finds herself pursued by the rather rough-mannered, slovenly John Thorpe, and by her real love interest, Henry Tilney. Henry's father invites Catherine to visit their...
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EBOOK Pickwick Papers

EBOOK Pickwick Papers


Autor: Charles Dickens

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909438477
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is a Sovereign Classic bicentennial edition of Dickens' novel which revolutionised fiction writing of the time through its potent narrative depicting contemporary London life. The story is a sequence of adventures. The novel's main character, Samuel Pickwick, Esquire, is a kind and wealthy old gentleman, and the founder and...
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EBOOK Death of Ivan Ilyich

EBOOK Death of Ivan Ilyich


Autor: Leo Tolstoy

Wydawnictwo: Sovereign Press
ISBN: 9781909676589
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ivan Ilyich, a high court judge, becomes seriously ill and faces a long and gruelling battle with death. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is more than a story about death, however. It leads the reader through a pensive, metaphysical exploration of the reason for death and what it means to truly live. German philosopher Martin Heidegger refers to the...
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