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EBOOK Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies for Animals

EBOOK Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies for Animals


Autor: Enric Homedes

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857010490
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Bach Flower Remedies are dilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach, an English physician and homeopath, in the 1930s. This practical handbook explains how Bach Flower Remedies can be highly effective for treating both behavioural and physical complaints in animals.  Based on strong scientific research and detailed case studies,...
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EBOOK Shamanism and Spirituality in Therapeutic Practice

EBOOK Shamanism and Spirituality in Therapeutic Practice


Autor: Christa Mackinnon

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857010681
Kategoria: Pozostałe
An IntroductionIncreasing numbers of professionals in the fields of psychology and therapy are seeking to incorporate elements of spiritualityA into their therapeutic oeuvre, addressing not only mental and emotional issues, but also the soul.  This book discloses how indigenous traditions can be adapted to offer practitioners a highly...
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EBOOK Cranio-Sacral Integration

EBOOK Cranio-Sacral Integration


Autor: Thomas Attlee

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857010780
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This foundation volume presents a unique integration of the wide spectrum of approaches to Cranio-Sacral Therapy, providing practitioners and students with a broad and authoritative understanding of the discipline. The author covers the fundamentals of theory as well as the practical skills and techniques needed to carry out Cranio-Sacral work, and...
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EBOOK Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine

EBOOK Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Autor: Edited by Zhu Bing

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857010209
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Traditional Chinese medicine has a long and complex history, yet the basic principles at the heart of practice have remained the same for hundreds of years. Without a solid understanding of these fundamental theories, effective practice is impossible, and this book provides a complete introduction to everything that students and practitioners, both...
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EBOOK Zero Balancing

EBOOK Zero Balancing


Autor: John Hamwee

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857011824
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Touching the Energy of BoneThe definitive guide to Zero Balancing brings this increasingly popular therapy to life. It contains a clear description of the anatomy and physiology of energy which leads on to a compelling explanation of how and why this form of bodywork can have such powerful effects. Throughout, there are illustrations which convey...
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EBOOK Acupuncture Therapeutics

EBOOK Acupuncture Therapeutics


Autor: Paul Fournel

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857010186
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Acupuncture can be a very effective way of strengthening the body's resistance to illness, and of eliminating potentially harmful pathogens. This book provides a complete overview of the principles involved in distinguishing between different syndromes of illness in patients, and of selecting and administering appropriate treatments. The book...
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