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Fall of Giants

Fall of Giants


Autor: Follett Ken

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451232588
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A thirteen-year-old Welsh boy enters a man's world in the mining pits...An American law student rejected in love finds a surprising new career in Woodrow Wilson's White House...A housekeeper for the aristocratic Fitzherberts takes a fateful step above her station, while Lady Maud Fitzherbert herself crosses deep into forbidden territory when she...
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The Pillars of yhe Earth

The Pillars of yhe Earth


Autor: Follett Ken

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451166890
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"An extraordinary epic buttressed by suspense... a monumental masterpiece... a towering triumph from a major talent."Booklist...
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World without End

World without End


Autor: Follett Ken

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451224460
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Two centuries after the townspeople og Kingsbridge finished building their exquisite Gothic cathedral, four children slip into the forest and witness a killing - an event that will braid their lives together by ambition, love, greed, and revenge....
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The Godfather

The Godfather


Autor: Puzo Mario

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451167712
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Tyrant, blackmailer, racketeer, murderer - his influence reaches every level of American society. Meet Don Corleone, a friendly man, a just man, areasonable man. The deadliest lord of the Cosa Nostra. The Godfather.A modern masterpiece,The Godfather is a searing portrayal of the 1940s criminal underworld. It is also the intimate story of the...
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Stay Close

Stay Close


Autor: Coben Harlan

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451238566
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Harlan Coben follows four consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers with a stand-alone thriller in the vein of his beloved breakout novels Caught and Hold Tight. Three people living lives they never wanted, hiding secrets that even those closest to them would never suspect, will find that the past doesn't recede. With his trademark combination of...
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Tale of Two Vampires

Tale of Two Vampires


Autor: MacAlister Katie

Wydawnictwo: Signet
ISBN: 9780451237736
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Iolanthe Tennyson has had a very bad year - due in part to the very bad men in her life. So she's accepted her cousin's invitation to spend the summer in Austria to indulge her photography hobby. Rumors of a haunted forest there draw Iolanthe into the dark woods - and into the eighteenth century...Nikola Czerny is a cursed man, forced...
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