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Olive Kitteridge

Olive Kitteridge


Autor: Strout Elizabeth

Wydawnictwo: scribner
ISBN: 9781849831550
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Olive Kitteridge might be described by some as a battle axe or as brilliantly pushy, by others as the kindest person they had ever met. Olive herself has always been certain that she is 100% correct about everything - although, lately, her certitude has been shaken. This indomitable character appears at the centre of these narratives that comprise...
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Teacher Man

Teacher Man


Autor: Frank McCourt

Wydawnictwo: Scribner
ISBN: 0743289668
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Moving out of the poor Irish lanes of his childhood and now into the high school classrooms of New York City, Frank McCourt exchanges one garden of suffering for another, but always with a comic eye, a sympathetic heart and the perfect timing of a master storyteller. Teacher Man is a cry from the barricades of public education and should be...
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