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EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance

EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance


Autor: Thierry Maugenest

Wydawnictwo: Roaring Forties Press
ISBN: 9781938901300
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Sullivan Chance is plucked from the rustic obscurity of the American Southwest and thrust by a scheming producer into the spotlight of a new a reality show in which a penniless Sullivan has to travel around the world in eighty days by begging and borrowing whatever he can. If he makes it, he will win $25 million.A vast American audience becomes...
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EBOOK Conductor of Illusions

EBOOK Conductor of Illusions


Autor: Metin Arditi

Wydawnictwo: Roaring Forties Press
ISBN: 9781938901225
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Alexis Kandilis is an international conductor at the height of his profession. He receives standing ovations at every concert and wildly enthusiastic reviews from the media. Yet, on a personal level he is deeply unfulfilled. Mahlers haunting "e;Song on the Death of Children"e; plays over and over in his mind, bringing back ugly childhood...
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EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance

EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance


Autor: Thierry Maugenest

Wydawnictwo: Roaring Forties Press
ISBN: 9781938901317
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Sullivan Chance is plucked from the rustic obscurity of the American Southwest and thrust by a scheming producer into the spotlight of a new a reality show in which a penniless Sullivan has to travel around the world in eighty days by begging and borrowing whatever he can. If he makes it, he will win $25 million.A vast American audience becomes...
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EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance

EBOOK Strange Death of Sullivan Chance


Autor: Thierry Maugenest

Wydawnictwo: Roaring Forties Press
ISBN: 9781938901294
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Sullivan Chance is plucked from the rustic obscurity of the American Southwest and thrust by a scheming producer into the spotlight of a new a reality show in which a penniless Sullivan has to travel around the world in eighty days by begging and borrowing whatever he can. If he makes it, he will win $15 million.A vast American audience becomes...
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