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EBOOK Crown Rose

EBOOK Crown Rose


Autor: Fiona Avery

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781615925308
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Crown Rose tells the story of Isabelle of France, born heir to the throne: her life from childhood to her later years; a life of turmoil and strife and longing.... The year is 1240. It is the reign of King Louis IX. Knighthood is still honored, though the traditions are beginning to fade. This will be the last generation of knights as we...
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EBOOK Falling Machine

EBOOK Falling Machine


Autor: Andrew P. Mayer

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143763
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This new steampunk series opens in 1880, when women aren't allowed to vote, much less dress up in a costume and fight crime. But twenty year-old socialite Sarah Stanton still dreams of becoming a hero. Her opportunity arrives in tragedy when the leader of the Society of Paragons, New York's greatest team of gentlemen adventurers, is...
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EBOOK Kindred and Wings

EBOOK Kindred and Wings


Autor: Philippa Ballantine

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616147808
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On the back of the dragon Wahirangi, Finn the Fox flees the world he has known. As he sets out to find the brother he never knew of, he still holds in his heart the memory of the Hunter. He has denied his love for her, but he cannot deny it forever. In the halls of the Last Believers, Talyn begins to uncover her own mysteries, but her lust for the...
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EBOOK Shadow's Son

EBOOK Shadow's Son


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143510
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In Othir, he was at the top of the food chain. An assassin beyond compare. A dark shadow in the night. But Caim left that life behind when he helped an empress claim her throne. And now his past has come calling again. Searching for the truth behind the murder and disappearance of his parents, Caim discovers a land in thrall to the Shadow. Haunted...
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EBOOK Goblin Corps

EBOOK Goblin Corps


Autor: Ari Marmell

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143787
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Welcome to the Goblin Corps. May the best man lose. Morthl, the dreaded Charnel King, has failed. Centuries of plotting from the heart of the Iron Keep, deep within the dark lands of Kirol Syrreth--all for naught. Foiled at the last by the bumbling efforts of a laughable band of so-called heroes. Still, after uncounted centuries of survival, the...
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EBOOK Blackdog

EBOOK Blackdog


Autor: K. V. Johansen

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616145224
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In a land where gods walk on the hills and goddesses rise from river, lake, and spring, the caravan-guard Holla-Sayan, escaping the bloody conquest of a lakeside town, stops to help an abandoned child and a dying dog. The girl, though, is the incarnation of Attalissa, goddess of Lissavakail, and the dog a shape-changing guardian spirit whose...
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