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EBOOK Dead Broke in Jarrett Creek

EBOOK Dead Broke in Jarrett Creek


Autor: Terry Shames

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616149970
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Samuel Craddock MysteryJarrett Creek is bankrupt. Gary Dellmore, heir apparent to the main bank, is dead, apparently murdered. Samuel Craddock thought he was retired but now he's been asked to return as police chief. Dellmore supposedly had a roving eye, although his wife says he was never serious about dallying. Still, Craddock wonders: Did...
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EBOOK White Ginger

EBOOK White Ginger


Autor: Thatcher Robinson

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616148188
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Fierce loyalties, staunch compassion, and a weakness for strays lead Bai Jiang--San Francisco's best knownsouxun, or people finder--into violent conflicts that test her pacifist beliefs in the brutal world she lives in.Armed with Buddhist philosophy and wicked knife skills, Bai Jiang works at being a better person by following her conscience,...
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EBOOK Shield of Sea and Space

EBOOK Shield of Sea and Space


Autor: Erin Hoffman

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616147709
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Vidarian Rulorat, called the Tesseract, a powerful magic-user whose abilities spread across multiple elements, finds himself at war with the Alorean Import Company, a powerful cabal of merchants wealthy enough to buy nations. By opening the gate between worlds, Vidarian released the Starhunter, goddess of chaos. With her coming, wild magic returned...
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EBOOK Sword of Fire and Sea

EBOOK Sword of Fire and Sea


Autor: Erin Hoffman

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143749
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Captain Vidarian Rulorat's great-grandfather gave up an imperial commission to commit social catastrophe by marrying a fire priestess. For love, he unwittingly doomed his family to generations of a rare genetic disease that follows families who cross elemental boundaries. Now Vidarian, the last surviving member of the Rulorat family, struggles...
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EBOOK Wrath-Bearing Tree

EBOOK Wrath-Bearing Tree


Autor: James Enge

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616147822
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Gods Clash with Gods, and the powers beyond gods, as the origin story of Morlock Ambrosius continues! The masked powers of Fate and Chaos are killing gods in the land of Kaen, facing the Wardlands across the Narrow Sea.Vocates Alo Oaij and Morlock Ambrosius cross into the unguarded lands, seeking to uncover the reasons for the godslaying, and to...
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EBOOK Brave Hearts

EBOOK Brave Hearts


Autor: Carolyn Hart

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616147983
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A woman caught in a loveless marriage discovers love again in the midst of desolation. Romantic suspense amid the chaos of a world at war.Catharine Cavanaugh is caught in a loveless marriage. Married to a British diplomat, she goes through the motions of playing the dutiful American wife in war- time London, while nightly German bombers bring...
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