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EBOOK Rift Walker

EBOOK Rift Walker


Autor: Clay Griffith

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616145248
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This second book in a trilogy of high adventure and alternate history combines rousing pulp action with steampunk style, bringing epic political themes to life within a story of heartbreaking romance, sacrifice, and heroism. Princess Adele struggles with a life of marriage and obligation as her Equatorian Empire and their American Republic allies...
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EBOOK Man Who Melted

EBOOK Man Who Melted


Autor: Jack Dann

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781615925087
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Man Who Melted is a warning for the future. It is the Brave New World and 1984 for our time, for it gives us a glimpse into our own future a future ruled by corporations that control deadly and powerful forms of mass manipulation. It is a prediction of what could happen...tomorrow. The Man Who Melted examines how technology affects us and...
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EBOOK Infoquake

EBOOK Infoquake


Autor: David Louis Edelman

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781591028109
Kategoria: Pozostałe
How far should you go to make a profit?Infoquake, the debut novel by David Louis Edelman, takes speculative fiction into alien territory: the corporate boardroom of the far future. It's a stunning trip through the trenches of a technological war fought with product demos, press releases, and sales pitches.Natch is a master of bio/logics, the...
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EBOOK Wolf Age

EBOOK Wolf Age


Autor: James Enge

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616142933
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Wuruyaaria: city of werewolves, whose raiders range over the dying northlands, capturing human beings for slaves or meat. Wuruyaaria: where a lone immortal maker wages a secret war against the Strange Gods of the Coranians. Wuruyaaria: a democracy where some are more equal than others, and a faction of outcast werewolves is determined to change the...
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EBOOK Starship: Flagship

EBOOK Starship: Flagship


Autor: Mike Resnick

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781591028529
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The date is 1970 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now, and the Republic, created by the human race but not yet dominated by it, finds itself in an all-out war against the Teroni Federation, an alliance of races that resent Mans growing military and economic power. The rebel starship, the Theodore Roosevelt, under the...
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EBOOK This Crooked Way

EBOOK This Crooked Way


Autor: James Enge

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781615924875
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Travelling alone in the depths of winter, Morlock Ambrosius (bitterly dry drunk, master of all magical makers, wandering swordsman, and son of Merlin Ambrosius and Nimue Viviana) is attacked by an unknown enemy.To unmask his enemy and end the attacks he must travel a long crooked way through the world: past the soul-eating Boneless One, past a...
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