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Cities by Design

Cities by Design


Autor: Fran Tonkiss

Wydawnictwo: Polity Press
ISBN: 9780745648989
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Who makes our cities, and what part do everyday users have in the design of cities? This book powerfully shows that city-making is a social process and examines the close relationship between the social and physical shaping of urban environments. With cities taking a growing share of the global population, urban forms and urban experience are...
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The Killing Fields of Inequality

The Killing Fields of Inequality

Inequality is not just about the size of our wallets. It is a socio-cultural order which, for most of us, reduces our capabilities to function as human beings, our health, our dignity, our sense of self, as well as our resources to act and participate in the world. This book shows that inequality is literally a killing field, with millions of...
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Turbulent and Mighty Continent: What Future for Europe?

Turbulent and Mighty Continent: What Future for Europe?

A "United States of Europe", Winston Churchill proposed in 1946, could "as if by a miracle transform" that "turbulent and mighty continent". "In this way only", he continued, "will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living". Today, nearly seventy years later, over 500 million people...
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Exits to the Posthuman Future

Exits to the Posthuman Future


Autor: Arthur Kroker

Wydawnictwo: Polity Press
ISBN: 9780745671635
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Exits to the Posthuman Future is media theory for a global digital society which thrives, and sometimes perishes, at the intersection of technologies of speed, distant ethics and a pervasive cultural anxiety. Arthur Kroker's incisive and insightful text presents the emerging pattern of a posthuman future: life at the tip of technologies of...
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The Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is a deeply troubled region engulfed in three interlocking crises. The first is a security crisis characterized by a range of devastating inter-state and inter-communal conflicts, including civil wars. The second is an economic crisis, evidenced by widespread debilitating poverty, chronic food insecurity, and frequent cycles of...
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Setting the Agenda

Setting the Agenda

Setting the Agenda describes the mass media's role in determining which topics are at the centre of public attention. In this new edition of his comprehensive book, one of the founding fathers of the agenda-setting tradition of research extends his analysis of the central role of the mass media in the shaping of public opinion. "This second edition...
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