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Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide

Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide


Autor: Leonard Maltin

Wydawnictwo: Plume Book
ISBN: 9780452295773
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
From the author of the bestselling annual "Movie Guide" comes this ultimate guide for fans of classic films both familiar and obscure. "The Classic Movie Guide" covers thousands of films, from the silent era to the 1960s, including "The Birth of a Nation," "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," "Grand Illusion," and "The Maltese Falcon" (all three...
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Leonard Maltin's Movie  Video Guide

Leonard Maltin's Movie Video Guide


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Plume Book
ISBN: 0452285925
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
The leading authority on American film is back with the latest edition of hisindispensable (Los Angeles Times) and bestselling movie and video guide. Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide 2005 is the best, biggest, and most up- to-date of its kind. The comprehensive 2005 guide includes:Capsule reviews of more than 18,000 films, including more than...
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Drawing of the Three

Drawing of the Three


Autor: S. King

Wydawnictwo: Plume Book
ISBN: 9780452284708
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
The Man in Black is dead, and Roland is about to be hurled into 20th-century America, occupying the mind of a man running cocaine on the New York/Bermuda shuttle. A brilliant work of dark fantasy inspired by Browning's romantic poem, "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came." Available August 2003....
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The art of doing

The art of doing

How does anyone get to the top of their field? We all know it takes hard work, dedication, and the occasional dose of luck, but what separates a wannabe from a winner? The Art of Doing brings together an incredible cross-section of individuals who are the at the top of their respective fields, from actor Alec Baldwin to New York Times crossword...
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