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Biophysics for Beginners

Biophysics for Beginners

Biophysics is a new way of looking at living matter. It uses quantitative experimental and theoretical methods to open a new window for studying and understanding life processes. This textbook gives compact introductions to the basics of the field, including molecular cell biology and statistical physics. It then presents in-depth discussions of...
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Detonation Nanodiamonds

Detonation Nanodiamonds


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Pan American Health Organisation
ISBN: 9789814411271
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
A comprehensive overview of detonation nanodiamond particles produced by detonation of carbon-containing explosives, this book discusses the technology of synthesis and the effect of various technological parameters on the structure and physicochemical properties of nanodiamonds. It explores the possibilities of targeted chemical modification of...
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Magnetic Microwires

Magnetic Microwires


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Pan American Health Organisation
ISBN: 9789814411257
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
A comprehensive overview, this book focuses on two directions of study: discovery of new effects that take place in magnetic wires and optimization of the magnetic, electrical, and mechanical properties of the wires, taking into account the technological application. The book presents the idea of moving to nanoscale, maintaining the achieved...
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Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Pan American Health Organisation
ISBN: 9789814241953
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The book encompasses the nanoscale semiconductor field by amalgamating a broad multidisciplinary arena including applications for energy conservation, materials performance enhancement, electronic circuitry, video displays, lighting, photovoltaics, quantum computing, memory, chemo- and biosensors, pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics inter alia....
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Nanotechnology for the Delivery of Therapeutic Nucleic Acids

Nanotechnology for the Delivery of Therapeutic Nucleic Acids


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Pan American Health Organisation
ISBN: 9789814411042
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Nucleic acid (NA) therapeutics has been extensively studied both in the academia and in the pharmaceutical industry and is still considered the promise for new therapeutic modalities, especially in personalized medicine. The only hurdle that limits the translation of NA therapeutics from an academic idea to the new therapeutic modality is the lack...
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Advanced Materials for Joint Implants

Advanced Materials for Joint Implants

Based on an interdisciplinary approach that directly bridges orthopedic concepts to surface science, this book details cutting-edge research in bioceramics science, physical chemistry, biomedical optics, and nanomechanics. The book cites some of the more conventional spectroscopic characterization techniques-including Raman and cathodoluminescence...
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