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Saints v Sinners

Saints v Sinners


Autor: Agnew Katie

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 9781409118039
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The LaFata family used to have it all - obscene wealth, talent, good fortune and beautiful genes - until the head of the family, Giancarlo 'Fatty' La Fata, vanishes over the side of his yacht one night into the dark Riviera night. His disappearance leaves nothing but questions left to be solved by a web of women, all of whom have their own secrets....
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Deeper Than the Dead

Deeper Than the Dead


Autor: Hoag Tami

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 9780752883281
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On the damp, leaf-strewn ground a gruesome trophy is displayed. It's a young woman. Although her battered body has been buried, her head is propped on a stone like an offering, her mouth and eyes glued shut, her eardrums destroyed....
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Touch of Dead

Touch of Dead


Autor: Harris Charlaine

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 9780575094444
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Sookie Stackhouse is everybody's favourite cocktail waitress: a cute, bubbly blonde... who can read minds. But Sookie's far from being the only person in Bon Temps, Louisiana with a handicap, what with the local vampire population demanding their unhuman rights and weres fighting for territory... In fact, Bon Temps is a pretty lively place these...
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Japanese Devil Fish Girl

Japanese Devil Fish Girl


Autor: Rankin Robert

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 9780575088542
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The pickled Martian's tentacles are fraying at the ends and Professor Coffin's Most Meritorious Unnatural Attraction (the remains of the original alien autopsy, performed by Sir Frederick Treves at the London Hospital) is no longer drawing the crowds. It's 1895; nearly a decade since Mars invaded Earth, chronicled by H.G. Wells in "The War of the...
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Prince of the Mist

Prince of the Mist


Autor: Zafon Carlos Ruiz

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 9780297856429
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the bestselling author of The Shadow Of The Wind, this haunting story of a ghostly ship and an age-old curse is an older teen read, now published in a crossover adult version. It has been top of the charts in Spain for 2 years....
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The Witcher: The Lady of the Lake

The Witcher: The Lady of the Lake


Autor: Sapkowski Andrzej

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99858704034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world… a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world.But this is Ciri, the child...
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