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EBOOK Come Back with the Wind

EBOOK Come Back with the Wind


Autor: Les Dawson

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782431251
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A classic story of the endless battle between the North and the South of England, Come Back With the Wind tells a humorous tale of how the threat of an embargo on whiskey sales to the South leads to civil war and a possible permanent split between the two proud regions. The late Les Dawson - author, beloved television comedian and game show host -...
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EBOOK Blade and the Passion

EBOOK Blade and the Passion


Autor: Les Dawson

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782431275
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Les Dawson is at his funniest in this, his last book, which he described as: 'A record of an era so lusty and physical that it makes the reader want to wear a truss.' Within these pages the devoted reader will find the real Quasimodo ('a dwarf whose sword was so swift it could sever a trout's eyebrows in...
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EBOOK Well Fared, My Lovely

EBOOK Well Fared, My Lovely


Autor: Les Dawson

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782431299
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A startling expose of crime and corruption, in which private eye Marlowe - alias Les Dawson, fresh from his conquests in Come Back With the Wind - takes the lid off the underworld to reveal gangsters, shysters, traffic wardens, good time girls, bad time girls who get better, traffic wardens . . . Meet Mussell Malloy, the man...
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EBOOK Getting Warmer

EBOOK Getting Warmer


Autor: Alan Carter

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782432630
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Cato Kwong is back. Back in Boom Town and back on a real case - the unsolved mystery of a missing fifteen-year-old girl. But it's midsummer in the city of millionaires and it's not just the heat that stinks. A pig corpse, peppered with nails, is uncovered in a shallow grave and a body, with its throat cut, turns up in the local...
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EBOOK Murder Takes a Holiday

EBOOK Murder Takes a Holiday


Autor: Michael O'Mara

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782433095
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In a setting where the victim is at their most unguarded, holidays can be a perfect stage for the ultimate crime. Whether you're bold enough to read this collection while abroad, or would rather wait until you've returned, the haunting nature of these classic tales will have you looking over your shoulder all summer....
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EBOOK Prime Cut

EBOOK Prime Cut


Autor: Alan Carter

Wydawnictwo: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781782432623
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The world is in economic meltdown, but the mining town of Hopetoun, Western Australia, is booming. With the town's population exploding, it's easy enough to hid a crime - and a dirty past.Disgraced police-service golden boy DSC Cato Kwong is doing time investigating roadkill with the Stock Squad. But when the ocean throws up a human torso...
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