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EBOOK Bone Man

EBOOK Bone Man


Autor: Wolf Haas

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612191706
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The wry and rueful Columbo of Austria investigates a grisly murder at a beloved restaurant where snooty Viennese gourmands go to eat fried chicken. At a wildly popular chicken shack in the Austrian countryside, a gruesome discovery is made in the pile of chicken bones waiting to be fed into the basement grinder: human bones. But when...
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EBOOK Black Star Nairobi

EBOOK Black Star Nairobi


Autor: Mukoma Wa Ngugi

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612192116
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Two copsone American, one Kenyanteam up to track down a deadly terrorist.It's December 2007. The Kenyan presidential elections have gotten off to a troubled start, with threats of ethnic violence in the air, and the reports about Barack Obama on the campaign trail in the United States are the subject of newspaper editorials and barstool...
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EBOOK Craigslist Murders

EBOOK Craigslist Murders


Autor: Brenda Cullerton

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612190204
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Who's killing the Upper East Side trophy wives?Unleashing the pent-up fury most Americans feel over the financial crisis, Brenda Cullerton's wickedly riotous tale of an interior ';desecrator' turned murderess is a flaming arrow into the dark heart of Manhattan's filthy rich. Working on New York's Upper East Side for phenomenally rich...
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EBOOK Brenner and God

EBOOK Brenner and God


Autor: Wolf Haas

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612191140
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Introducing one of Europe's most widely popular detective series Wanting out of high-stress detective work, Simon Brenner takes a calming job as a chauffeur, shuttling a two-year-old girl back and forth in a soothing ride along the Autobahn between her father, a construction tycoon in Munich, and her mother, an abortion doctor in...
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EBOOK Nairobi Heat

EBOOK Nairobi Heat


Autor: Mukoma Wa Ngugi

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612190075
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A cop from Wisconsin pursues a killer through the terrifying slums of Nairobi and the memories of genocide IN MADISON, WISCONSIN, it's a big deal when African peace activist Joshua Hakizimanawho saved hundreds of people from the Rwandan genocideaccepts a position at the university to teach about ';genocide and testimony.' Then a young woman is...
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EBOOK Accidental Pallbearer

EBOOK Accidental Pallbearer


Autor: Frank Lentricchia

Wydawnictwo: Melville International Crime
ISBN: 9781612191720
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Introducing a gritty new detective series set in the bleak hinterlands of upstate new YorkWashed-up private investigator Eliot Conte would rather be teaching American literature and listening to opera than taking pictures of spouses in flagrante delicto. But he flamed out of an academic career when he hung the Provost of UCLA out a window, and he...
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