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EBOOK Nelson

EBOOK Nelson


Autor: Victoria Carolan

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848392540
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Nelson continues to fascinate academics as well as the general public. He is still considered one of Britain’s greatest heroes and featured within the top ten of the BBC poll of such figures. But why does Nelson still remain such a prominent figure in the national imagination? With 2005 being the bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar,...
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EBOOK Coping With Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence

EBOOK Coping With Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence


Autor: Phillippa Kaye

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848392526
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Diabetes is one of the commonest chronic conditions of childhood, and is on the increase. It is estimated that globally more than 400,000 children aged 14 and under have diabetes; in England and Wales about 15 per 100,000 children develop diabetes each year, and in Scotland 25 per 100,000. More than 90% of affected children have type 1 diabetes. A...
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EBOOK The Joy of Ex

EBOOK The Joy of Ex


Autor: Vicky Edwards

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840244097
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Don't Get Mad - Get Over It!Practical and funny, this handbag-friendly book will help you through the emotional turbulence of being dumped, before leading you gently back into the dating game with your confidence restored. Perfect as a gift or personal survival guide....
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EBOOK The New Boy

EBOOK The New Boy


Autor: Doreen Tovey

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840245174
Kategoria: Pozostałe
‘So there we were, driving along with an earth-box, a bag of turkey and, squalling his head off on my knee in Sheba’s basket, the new boy.’ The Toveys are no strangers to disaster, particularly the Siamese-related kind, but when their beloved Solomon dies unexpectedly, they’re faced with a completely new type of problem – do they find another cat...
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EBOOK You Know You're a Child of the 70's When…

EBOOK You Know You're a Child of the 70's When…


Autor: Mike Lepine

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848391604
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Roobarb and Custard… Lycra… Space Hoppers… Kermit and Miss Piggy… Ziggy Stardust… platform Boots... Worzel Gummidge… The Wombles… The Generation Game… flares… Jaws… Abba… Bagpuss… Roller Skating… Glam Rockers Did you ride a chopper to school, buy your dad Old Spice for Christmas or believe that Jim could really fix it? If this sounds like you then...
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EBOOK True Wealth is Good Health

EBOOK True Wealth is Good Health


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390393
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Road to a Healthier LifeIf you're fit and well, you can climb mountains, go jogging, play a sport, or just stay at home and enjoy good living. With the untold wealth of abundant good health, you can do almost anything - so where do you find good health? There's only one place to find it, and that is in YOU. But you have to take steps to...
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