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EBOOK 101 Uses for a Football

EBOOK 101 Uses for a Football


Autor: Louise McKay

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840249951
Kategoria: Pozostałe
If football ain’t your thing, then this book’s definitely for you. When Cup fever’s in the air, fantasise about a footie-free world in which those bloomin’ balls have been turned to better and funnier use....
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EBOOK Manana Manana

EBOOK Manana Manana


Autor: Peter Kerr

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 184024870X
Kategoria: Pozostałe
One Mallorcan SummerHaving battled and succumbed to the manana pace of rural Mallorca, spring sees Peter Kerr and family relaxing into a supposedly simpler way of life, growing oranges on their little valley farm, Ca's Mayoral. However, even after the trials, tribulations and triumphs of their initiation, Spain has not yet finished with them....
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EBOOK 100 Rants on Why Men are Pants

EBOOK 100 Rants on Why Men are Pants


Autor: Amy Charter

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840249994
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Men. It's pretty difficult to think of what use they could be put to. It's plain to see that they need assistance getting dressed and appear to be incapable of discerning the purpose of a toilet seat. From the fairer sex then comes this perfectly-formed little number with all the reasons why men are crap!...
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EBOOK The Formula

EBOOK The Formula


Autor: Geoff Thompson

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 1840245107
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Secret to a Better Life'There is no corner of the world that we cannot access, no fear too large to overcome.' Most people don't realise their full potential. Instead of striving to achieve all they can, they allow themselves to be scared into settling for second best, and end up feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied. This inspiring book has...
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EBOOK Better Budgeting for Your Business

EBOOK Better Budgeting for Your Business


Autor: Brian B. Brown

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390416
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Optimize Your Company's Financial PerfomanceIn an increasingly cost conscious world, control over your organisation's income and expenditure is vital. For most successful organisations, this control begins with a budgeting process that sets the scene and forms the basis for the business operation for the year ahead. But for many people, budgeting...
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EBOOK Cosmic Ordering

EBOOK Cosmic Ordering


Autor: Michele Knight

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390089
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Cosmic Ordering is an ancient art that gives you the power to shape your own destiny through the mastering of some simple yet extremely powerful techniques. Join celebrity psychic Michele Knight as she guides you through the exciting process of placing your first cosmic order.Cosmic Ordering includes sections on improving your self belief, creating...
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