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Biology at a Glance

Biology at a Glance


Autor: Judy Dodds

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840760866
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Biology at a Glance 3rd edition has been revised to present in a clear visual way the biology material needed for the new GCSE (the GCSE Science and Additional Science), for first examination in 2008. It is also useful for those studying the separate Biology GCSE and as an introductory guide for AS Biology. The third edition contains many new...
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Small Animal Abdominal and Metabolic Disorders

Small Animal Abdominal and Metabolic Disorders


Autor: Bryn Tennant

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781874545491
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
SELF-ASSESSMENT COLOUR REVIEWS IN VETERINARY MEDICINE: Each book covers a specialist area of veterinary medicine and the format enables the reader to consider a problem fully and then devise a solution. Veterinary medicine continues to evolve and progress, as concepts change, new disorders are recognised and novel diagnostic approaches are...
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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease

The second title in the 'Clinician's Desk Reference' series, designed as concise up-to-date volumes on key conditions for physicians in the hospital setting and in primary care, and for many professionals allied to medicine. Coverage ranges from incidence, diagnosis, investigation, drug treatments, non-motor features of Parkinson's Disease,...
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Fossil Ecosystems of North America

Fossil Ecosystems of North America


Autor: John Nudds

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840760880
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Most major recent advances in understanding the history of life on Earth have been through the study of exceptionally well preserved biotas (Fossil-Lagerstatten). These are windows on the history of life on Earth and can provide a fairly complete picture of the evolution of ecosystems through time. This book follows the success of Evolution of...
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Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Using a strong evidence based approach the authors, who are heart failure specialists, aim to present a detailed overview of the syndrome of heart failure. They include the causes, pathophysiology, investigation, diagnosis and treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) of heart failure with emphasis on recently-published evidence. The book...
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Rapid Review of Ecg Interpretation

Rapid Review of Ecg Interpretation


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1840760435
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The authors aim to provide the busy doctor with a comprehensive review of ECG interpretation in a case presentation format. The book begins with the basic principles of electrocardiography and provides comprehensive tables listing the differential diagnoses of the various ECG abnormalities. The 50 cases have been chosen to cover a wide range of...
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