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Autor: Ronald Marks

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840761665
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This collection of over 200 clinical cases-comprising questions, top quality color photos and detailed explanatory answers-covers most aspects of dermatology. The author emphasizes more common conditions, but also features some more unusual and challenging cases. The cases are presented randomly to reflect real life practice and are designed not...
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Veterinary Parasitology

Veterinary Parasitology


Autor: Jon S. Patterson

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840761887
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This clinically oriented new volume in the Self-Assessment Colour Review series brings together a wide variety of cases and clinical situations which relate to diseases caused by parasitic agents primarily in small animals and domestic livestock. It also includes some cases involving some wild and exotic animals. The cases are presented randomly,...
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Wildlife Medicine and Rehabilitation

Wildlife Medicine and Rehabilitation

SELF-ASSESSMENT COLOUR REVIEWS IN VETERINARY MEDICINE: Each book covers a specialist area of veterinary medicine and the format enables the reader to consider a problem fully and then devise a solution. Veterinarians increasingly encounter wildlife casualties in practice and have a duty of care for the welfare of the animals. This comprehensive and...
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Horse Senses

Horse Senses


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840760804
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Horses perceive the world differently from humans because their senses developed differently through evolution to cope with different ways of living and surviving. Horses are essentially prey/flight animals. The horse's senses therefore determine how the world appears to him and how he reacts to it. As the horse's perception and understanding are...
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Respiratory Diseases of the Horse

Respiratory Diseases of the Horse

The authors provide a problem-oriented approach to the assessment and management of respiratory illness in horses. The book deals first with the anatomy, function and clinical examination of the respiratory system, followed by discussion of diagnostic tests and procedures. The clinical section is focused around the cardinal presenting...
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Biomechanics and Physical Training of the Horse

Biomechanics and Physical Training of the Horse

Effective horse trainers strive to improve the performance of their horses while preserving the integrity of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Biomechanics and Physical Training of the Horse supplies an anatomical and functional overview of the topic, enabling trainers to optimize the different exercises their horses undergo during training and...
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