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EBOOK Central Nervous System Tumours of Childhood

EBOOK Central Nervous System Tumours of Childhood


Autor: Stephen Lowis

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781898683742
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ranging from epidemiology and neuroimaging through the general principles of surgery and radiotherapy/chemotherapy to issues of palliative care and quality of life, this concise, broad-ranging and practical text covers all clinical aspects of central nervous system tumours in children. It provides an overview of current important issues in...
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EBOOK Neurological Assessment in the First Two Years of Life

EBOOK Neurological Assessment in the First Two Years of Life


Autor: Jo Nesbo

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781898683827
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The book provides a review of the state of the art of neurological assessment in the first two years of life and identifies the most appropriate instruments for the follow-up of newborns who are at risk of developing neurological abnormalities. After a brief description of the neurophysiological basis of development in the first years, the book...
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EBOOK Developing Human Brain

EBOOK Developing Human Brain


Autor: Floyd Harry Gilles

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781908316424
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Growth and AdversitiesThis book is about human brain development, focusing on the last half of gestation and the neonatal and infant periods. These periods bring the greatest risk for the acquisition of childhood functional neurologic deficits, including cerebral palsy, developmental delay and intellectual disability. Section 1 covers typical...
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EBOOK Diseases of the Nervous System in Childhood 3rd Edition  Part 8

EBOOK Diseases of the Nervous System in Childhood 3rd Edition Part 8


Autor: Benjamin Brand

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781908316202
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Disorders of the ocular, visual, auditory and vestibular systemsDiseases of the nervous system in infancy and childhood have a profound impact on the lives of patients and their families and are probably the most disruptive of all paediatric ailments. Part 8 covers 'Disorders of the Ocular, Visual, Auditory and Vestibular Systems'....
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EBOOK Life Quality Outcomes in Children and Young People with Neurological and Developmental Conditi

EBOOK Life Quality Outcomes in Children and Young People with Neurological and Developmental Conditi


Autor: Chantal Simon

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781908316615
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Concepts, Evidence and PracticeHealth care professionals need to understand their patients' views of their condition and its effects on their health and well-being. This book builds on the World Health Organization's concepts of 'health', 'functioning' and 'quality of life' for young people with...
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EBOOK Comorbidities in Developmental Disorders

EBOOK Comorbidities in Developmental Disorders


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Mac Keith
ISBN: 9781907655678
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the last decade the term 'comorbidity' has gained popularity in the field of paediatric neurodisability, with the increasing recognition that many conditions are rarely present in isolation. Within this field, the term is often used to refer to the co-occurrence of conditions more frequently than would be expected by chance, which can...
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