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EBOOK Unholy Communion

EBOOK Unholy Communion


Autor: Donna Fletcher Crow

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640059
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Felicity's ecstatic enjoyment of her fellow ordinands' singing in Ascension Morn from the top of Pusey Tower at the College of the Transfiguration is shattered when a black-robed body hurtles over the precipice and rolls to a stop at her feet.   Father Antony recognizes the corpse as Hwyl Pendry, a former student of his,...
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EBOOK Bone House

EBOOK Bone House


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640356
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Kit Livingstone has been bequeathed by his great grandfather, Cosimo, an apparently impossible task: to piece together a 17th-century map whose fragments are scattered not just throughout this universe but other universes too.  Aided by his girlfriend, Mina, herself in Hapsburg-Empire Prague, Kit begins to make progress but realises that...
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EBOOK Alzheimer's

EBOOK Alzheimer's


Autor: Sharon F Mooney

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9780745957531
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This new edition of Alzheimer's has been updated to cover the most recent developments in our knowledge of this heartrending disease. Drawing on her professional and personal background in caring for people suffering from Alzheimer's, the author offers practical, intelligent advice for caregivers searching for hope....
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EBOOK Saintly Killing

EBOOK Saintly Killing


Autor: Martha Ockley

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640929
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It is late July, the run up to St James's Day. It is also the 1000th anniversary of the church at Little Worthy, and Faith Morgan has planned a whole range of celebratory activities - a music festival; a photographic booklet of recent history; a planting of new trees in the graveyard and vicarage garden; bell ringing; a visit from the bishop....
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Autor: Edoardo Albert

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640615
Kategoria: Pozostałe
High King of BritainEdwin, the deposed king of Northumbria, seeks refuge at the court of King Raedwald of East Anglia. But Raedwald is urged to kill his guest by Aethelfrith, Edwin's usurper. As Edwin walks by the shore, alone and at bay, he is confronted by a mysterious figure - the missionary Paulinus - who prophesies that he will become...
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EBOOK Rest Not in Peace

EBOOK Rest Not in Peace


Autor: Mel Starr

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640097
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Master Hugh is asked to provide a sleeping potion for Sir Henry Burley, a friend and guest of Lord Gilbert at Bampton Castle. Sir Henry, (with his wife, a daughter by a first wife, two knights, two squires, and assorted servants), has outstayed his welcome at Bampton Castle. The next morning after Master Hugh provides the potion, Sir Henry is...
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