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Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

When Helen Fielding first wrote Bridget Jones' Diary, charting the life of a 30-something singleton in London in the 1990s, she introduced readers to one of the most beloved characters in modern literature. The book was published in 40 countries, sold more than 15 million copies worldwide, and spawned a best-selling sequel, Bridget Jones: The Edge...
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C follows the short, intense life of Serge Carrefax, a man who - as his name suggests - surges into the electric modernity of the early twentieth century, transfixed by the technologies that will obliterate him. Born to the sound of one of the very earliest experimental wireless stations, Serge finds himself steeped in a weird world of...
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Otto the Book Bear

Otto the Book Bear


Autor: Katie Cleminson

Wydawnictwo: Jonathan Cape
ISBN: 9781780080031
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
Otto is a Book Bear and nothing makes him happier than when people read his book. But he also has a very special secret - when no one is looking he can come to life and explore the house. But one day something terrible happens: Otto's book is left behind when the family moves away, and now there is no one to read Otto! Otto must set off on his...
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Roth Unbound

Roth Unbound

Philip Roth - one of the most renowned writers of his generation - hardly needs introduction. From his debut, Goodbye, Columbus, which won the National Book Award, to his Pulitzer Prize-winning American Pastoral, to his eternally inventive later works such as Exit Ghost and Nemesis, Roth has produced some of the greatest literature of the past...
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1969. A veteran secret agent. A single mission. A licence to kill. James Bond returns....
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It is 1969 and James Bond is about to go solo, recklessly motivated by revenge. A seasoned veteran of the service, 007 is sent to single-handedly stop a civil war in the small West African nation of Zanzarim. Aided by a beautiful accomplice and hindered by the local militia, he undergoes a scarring experience which compels him to ignore M's orders...
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