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EBOOK Parents' Guide to Clubfoot

EBOOK Parents' Guide to Clubfoot


Autor: Betsy Miller

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9780897936156
Kategoria: Pozostałe
About one in every thousand babies born each year has clubfoot, a disorder that affects foot and calf muscles. Because treatment usually begins soon after birth and continues for several years, parents play a key role in the treatment of clubfoot and need to be able to communicate effectively with their childs doctor. The Parents Guide to Clubfoot...
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EBOOK After the Storm

EBOOK After the Storm


Autor: Kendall Johnson

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9781630265069
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Healing After Trauma, Tragedy and TerrorPost-traumatic stress disorder aka PTSD or simply "e;trauma"e; is a growing problem, with adults and children today affected by threats of terror; combat in the Middle East; and social, economic, and personal crises. It is a hidden disease affecting ten percent of the population many...
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EBOOK Positive Options for Hiatus Hernia

EBOOK Positive Options for Hiatus Hernia


Autor: Tom Smith

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9781630265533
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Self-Help and TreatmentHeartburn, coughing when lying down, pain in the upper chest or throat these can all be signs of an often misunderstood condition: hiatus hernia. This book looks at all aspects of dealing with this condition, from diagnosis to self-care. Case studies discuss how individuals have successfully minimized symptoms and how...
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EBOOK Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book

EBOOK Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book


Autor: Lana Liew

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9781630265410
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Delicious Recipes for a Healthy LifestyleThe National Institute of Health interrupted their huge HRT study in July 2002 when they found that the drug Prempro, a combination of estrogen and progestin, had detrimental health effects. The women who took the drug exhibited an increased risk for breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke.Women can lose up...
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EBOOK Cortisol Connection Diet

EBOOK Cortisol Connection Diet


Autor: Shawn Talbott

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9780897935630
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Breakthrough Program to Control Stress and Lose WeightMore than 60 percent of American adults are overweight. On any given day, millions of people are using one of dozens of popular weight loss programs. They all promise miraculous results with little effort. They're all guaranteed to work for you. So, why do we need another diet book?One...
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EBOOK Breast Cancer Basics and Beyond

EBOOK Breast Cancer Basics and Beyond


Autor: Delthia Ricks

Wydawnictwo: Hunter House
ISBN: 9780897935609
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Treatments, Resources, Self-Help, Good News, UpdatesFor most women and their families, a diagnosis of breast cancer is both devastating and confusing. Questions about the disease -- its cause, treatment, and prognosis -- can be overwhelming at such a difficult time. By gathering together all the latest information available on the subject, this...
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