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Teach Yourself Small Business Marketing in a Week

Teach Yourself Small Business Marketing in a Week


Autor: John Sealey

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444184044
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Sunday - Understand the principles that will clearly identify where your business is currently and what needs to be done Monday - Ensure you are sowing the right seeds to attract the right type of customers with your existing marketing strategies Tuesday - Discover how to keep your customers longer and improve your conversion rates Wednesday -...
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Teach Yourself Latin Grammar You Really Need to Know

Teach Yourself Latin Grammar You Really Need to Know


Autor: Gregory Klyve

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444189605
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Comprehensive and clear explanations of key grammar patterns and structures are reinforced and contextualized through authentic materials. You will not only learn how to construct grammar correctly, but when and where to use it so you sound natural and appropriate. Latin Grammar You Really Need to Know will help you gain the intuition you need to...
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Teach Yourself Statistics - A Complete Introduction

Teach Yourself Statistics - A Complete Introduction


Autor: Alan Graham

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444191172
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Statistics: A Complete Introduction is the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use introduction to using Statistics. Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge. The book covers all the key areas of Statistics including graphs, data...
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Teach Yourself Get Started in Polish

Teach Yourself Get Started in Polish


Autor: Joanna Michalak-Gray

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444174830
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
If you are an absolute beginner or simply looking for a solid foundation to your language studies for school, work or travel, this engaging course will help get you on your way to speaking, writing, reading and understanding Polish in no time. Through an engaging story line, clear language presentations, and extensive practice and review, you will...
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Teach Yourself NLP for Writers

Teach Yourself NLP for Writers


Autor: Bekki Hill

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444178258
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
NLP for Writers is the only creative writing book that uses NLP techniques to help writers improve the stories they create. This unique guide employs case studies and exercises to explore how NLP concepts can be used to develop better mastery of character, plot and story and to create writing that engages audiences more strongly...
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Effective Business Writing in a Week

Effective Business Writing in a Week


Autor: Martin Manser

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444190281
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Most of us spend hours every day typing emails and other documents at work, yet how many of us have ever had any training in writing skills? New and aspiring managers find themselves having to write advertising copy or press releases, while many businesses want to engage successfully online. Effective Business Writing in a week is a practical guide...
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