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EBOOK Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat

EBOOK Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat


Autor: M.D. Nancy L. Snyderman

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307459725
Kategoria: Pozostałe
And the 101 Truths That Will Save Your Waistline--and Maybe Even Your LifeGet the real skinny on fat.When it comes to losing weight, the false beliefs most of us cling to could fill a bookthis one! As a medical doctor, medical journalist, and veteran of the diet wars, Nancy L. Snyderman knows better than almost anyone what really works and what...
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EBOOK Medical Myths That Can Kill You

EBOOK Medical Myths That Can Kill You


Autor: M.D. Nancy L. Snyderman

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307409256
Kategoria: Pozostałe
And the 101 Truths That Will Save, Extend, and Improve Your LifeDo you know whats really good for you?In this age of countless miracle cures, its vital to separate the myths that endanger your health from the medical facts you need. FACT: Unfiltered coffee can clog your arteries.FACT: Donating blood may lower your risk of heart disease.FACT:...
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EBOOK Living Beyond Breast Cancer

EBOOK Living Beyond Breast Cancer


Autor: Ellen Weiss

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307767301
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Survivor's Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life BeginsHow can I know if I'm really cured?Will anyone ever be attracted to me again?Will I ever get to enjoy sex again?It is safe for me to get pregnant?How do I live well beyond menopause without estrogen replacement therapy?What do I tell my boss?My daughter wants to...
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EBOOK Heart's Code

EBOOK Heart's Code


Autor: Paul P. Pearsall

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780767999427
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A fascinating synthesis of ancient wisdom, modern medicine, scientific research, and personal experiences that proves that the human heart, not the brain, holds the secrets that link body, mind, and spirit.You know that the heart loves and feels, but did you know that the heart also thinks, remembers, communicates with other hearts, helps regulate...
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EBOOK Stop Aging, Start Living

EBOOK Stop Aging, Start Living


Autor: Alisa Bowman

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307406200
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Revolutionary 2-Week pH Diet That Erases Wrinkles, Beautifies Skin, and Makes You Feel FantasticThough other skin-care experts have identified free radicals and cellular inflammation as key triggers to the breakdown of healthy skin, renowned dermatologist and former National Institutes of Health fellow Jeannette Graf, M.D., has discovered a way...
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