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EBOOK Life and Breath

EBOOK Life and Breath


Autor: Neil Schachter

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307419095
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Breakthrough Guide to the Latest Strategies for Fighting Asthma and Other Re spiratory Problems -- At Any AgeThe fourth leading cause of death in the United States, COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, affects an estimated 35 million Americans. Yet only half are aware that they are seriously ill. Life and Breath, by Dr. Neil...
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EBOOK Art of Flourishing

EBOOK Art of Flourishing


Autor: PhD Jeffrey B. Rubin

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307718914
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A New East-West Approach to Staying Sane and Finding Love in an Insane WorldWe all want more love in our lives, especially when the world requires more from us every day. Lasting intimacya close and enduring relationship with someone we love who cherishes usis an indispensable source of strength, resilience, and hope, one that we especially turn to...
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EBOOK Heart 411

EBOOK Heart 411


Autor: M.D. Marc Gillinov

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307719928
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Only Guide to Heart Health You'll Ever NeedThe definitive guide to heart health from two of America's most respected doctors at Cleveland Clinic, the #1 hospital for heart health in America.Are you one of the eighty-two million Americans currently diagnosed with cardiovascular diseaseor one of the millions more whothink they are...
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EBOOK Misunderstood Child, Fourth Edition

EBOOK Misunderstood Child, Fourth Edition


Autor: M.D. Larry B. Silver

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307557995
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Understanding and Coping with Your Child's Learning DisabilitiesThe fully revised and updated must-have resource to help you become a supportive and assertive advocate for your childIn print for more than twenty years, The Misunderstood Child has become the go-to reference guide for families of children with learning disorders. This newly...
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EBOOK Hormone of Desire

EBOOK Hormone of Desire


Autor: M.D. Susan Rako

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307569615
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Truth About Testosterone, Sexuality, and MenopauseThis is the book you've been hearing about! Dr. Susan Rako has brought her groundbreaking message about the miraculous benefits of testosterone--the female hormone--to women and physicians around the world via Oprah!, Dateline NBC, the New York Times, the Congress on Women's Health, and the...
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EBOOK Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Avoid Them

EBOOK Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Avoid Them


Autor: Joe Graedon

Wydawnictwo: Harris Meltzer Trust
ISBN: 9780307460936
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A primary care doctor is skeptical of his patient's concerns. A hospital nurse or intern is unaware of a drug's potential side effects. A physician makes the most ';common' diagnosis while overlooking the signs of a rarer and more serious illness, and the patient doesn't see the necessary specialist until it's too...
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