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Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice


Autor: Jane Austen

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 9780007350773
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.' Austen's best-loved tale of love, marriage and society in class-conscious Georgian England still delights modern readers today with its comedy and...
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The Straw Men

The Straw Men


Autor: Michael Marshall

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0006499988
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Fourteen-year-old Sarah Becker has been abducted, snatched from a busy shopping precinct in downtown LA. Judging from the state of the girls whose bodies have already been found, her long hair will be hacked off and she will be tortured. She has about a week to live. Former homicide detective John Zandt has an inside track on the perpetrator - his...
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Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime


Autor: Agatha Christie

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0007111509
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are restless for the excitement of their earlier lives, so when they were asked to take over Blunt's International Detective Agency, they leapt at the chance. To guarantee they can live up to their slogan 'Any case solved in 24 hours', they decide to emulate the great historical detectives. After their triumphant...
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Emissaries from the dead

Emissaries from the dead

Two murders have occurred on One One One, an artificial ecosystem created by the universe's dominant AIs to house several engineered species, including a violent, sentient race of sloth-like creatures. Under order from the Diplomatic Corps, Counselor Andrea Cort has come to this cylinder world where an indentured human community hangs suspended...
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The mirror crack'd from side to side

The mirror crack'd from side to side


Autor: Agatha Christie

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0007120982
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
- Stało się coś złego? - spytała. - Naprawdę złego? - Można to tak określić - przyznał. - Ta biedna kobieta nie żyje. - Nie żyje! - Pani Bantry była zaszokowana. I powtórzyła: - Jeszcze przed chwilą wyglądała zupełnie dobrze. - Wiem, wiem - westchnął Jason. - Że też coś takiego musiało się zdarzyć!" - fragment książki One minute, silly...
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Lord Jim

Lord Jim


Autor: Joseph Conrad

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 9780007449859
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
"Who could tell what forms, what visions, what faces, what forgiveness he could see in the glow of the west!". Jim is a well-bred young romantic who takes to the seas with hopes of adventure and the aspiration to prove his mettle. When the boat he sails in threatens to sink, Jim abandons ship in fear in order to save himself, leaving the other...
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