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Middle of Everywhere

Middle of Everywhere


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
ISBN: 0156027372
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
Over the past decade, Mary Pipher has been a great source of wisdom, helping us to better understand our family members. Now she connects us with the newest members of the American family--refugees. In cities all over the country, refugees arrive daily. Lost Boys from Sudan, survivors from Kosovo, families fleeing Afghanistan and Vietnam: they come...
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Garden of Happiness

Garden of Happiness

A littered lot in New York's Alphabet City is transformed into a lush garden by people of the neighborhood. Young Marisol finds a small patch of her own, where she plants a large, flat seed. As it grows up and up, it surprises everyone and becomes the most special plant in the Garden of Happiness. ...
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Half Empty Half Full Understanding Psychological Roots

Half Empty Half Full Understanding Psychological Roots

A research psychoanalyst challenges the idea that optimism is genetic, arguing instead that experiences in the first three years of life often shape the neural pathways in the brain. ...
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Dot  Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery

Dot Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery

The mouse detectives are back--with a buggy mystery to solve! ...
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Devil's Valley

Devil's Valley

The supernatural, the violent, and the utterly normal all become routine when Flip Lochner follows a woman with four breasts to South Africa's Devil's Valley, where he becomes involved with Lukas Death's clan and the valley's strange secret....
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Magic Can Be Murder

Magic Can Be Murder


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
ISBN: 9780152026653
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
Nola is a witch--just not a very powerful one. She can cast a few spells, such as one that lets her spy on people, but she can't really do any big magic. Then one day, while using her magic, Nola witnesses a murder. Does the murderer know that Nola witnessed his crime; and if he does, what will he do to her? ...
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