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Urban Design & The 20th Century Architecture

Urban Design & The 20th Century Architecture

Architecture in the 20th century has revolutionized the urban living environment. All over the world some cities have developed into mega cities of unprecedented dimensions, while others have shrunk to become places of emptiness. Be it in wild proliferation like Tokyo or in accordance with a strict plan as in the case of Paris, every building,...
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Autor: praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833145353
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Houses, penthouses, apartments, lofts - this book`s excellent photographs offer unique insights into more than 40 unusual and quite different examples of residential architecture from around the world. An elegant apartment high above the roofs of New York, a Swiss wooden chalet with a fantastic view of the Lago Maggiore, the outlandish loft...
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Renesans w sztuce włoskiej

Renesans w sztuce włoskiej


Autor: Rolf Toman

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833142093
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Włoski renesans to jedna z najwspanialszych epok kultury europejskiej. Autorzy starają się z jednej strony udostępnić podstawową wiedzę na temat renesansu, a z drugiej uwzględnić jego wizualną prezentację. Czytelnik ... zapozna się z rozwojem głównych gatunków artystycznych - architektury, rzeźby, malarstwa, rysunku, i dowie się, dzięki jakim...
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History of the world in photographs

History of the world in photographs


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833151507
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
In this intriguing book, the historical events that took place in a period comprising one and a half centuries are shown on a year-by-year timeline and documented by spectacular and amazing images charges with emotion. Starting with the year 1850, bliss and dread, rises and falls, achievements and crimes, war and peace, royal and civil life are...
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Design Destination Worldwide

Design Destination Worldwide


Autor: Joachim Fischer

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833147463
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
The finest spa in Bangkok the most splendid resort in the Maladives the hottest club in Beirut the hippest hotel in New York the trendiest shop in Paris the best restaurant in Berlin the newest museum in Tokyo the coolest square in Bercelona Design Destination Worldwide depicts in essence the most sough-after, beatiful, and exclusive places in the...
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Tapeten. Papiers Peints. Wallpaper. Architecture Compact

Tapeten. Papiers Peints. Wallpaper. Architecture Compact


Autor: Joachim Fischer

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833147449
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
More and more architects and designers regard wallpaper as an important medium of interior design. The pendulum is today once again swinging in the direction of more expressive patterns. Creative wall design in thereby definitely a current trend in interior decoration....
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